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Welcome to The Pink Spider!

Konnichiwa! Please be aware that I am actually going to send out my evil flying monkeys to eat you. I'm serious nigga! I don't play around fools!!!
Anyways...here you'll find a bunch of stuff. I'm a pretty random person, so you have a good reason to be scared.
Tattoo Fairy Pictures:  Bumblebee Tattoo  by Jasmine Becket-Griffith

May 4, 2008- Hey. I've noticed more people are viewing this site. Which is making me feel bad because I haven't updated it in a while. I've been sick and grounded and stuff. So please feel sorry for me. Today I'm going to work on a "Links" page. I'm also gonna try to update everything else a little. Just wanted to let you know all this. Have a nice day. :)
April 18, 2008- Alrighty peoples...I've been working on the website night and day, but it's still shitty lol. So please just be patient while I get this thing up and running. By the way if you are looking for icons for your Myspace or whatever you should look at the "About Me" page. I update it everyday with new icons! I usually add at least 20 per day. But I happen to be grounded right now...so things are running slow.
April 12, 2008- Hiiiiii! I just started up the website. It took me forever to come up with a name. I will be updating it more as time goes on, so just please be patient and check back when you can. If you'd like to help me out a little you are definetely welcome to check the "Most Wanted" page. :)